The story kicks off the World Without Superman story as New Krypton gets underway. The story starts with a jolt as Mon-El lays dying in Superman's arms, in an eerie replica of the cover. This, I felt, lent gravitas to Mon-El's re-entry into the living world, and along with another, later development, gives the reader an emotional pull, which will hopefully sustain us as we now watch Mon-El assume Superman's duties while Superman deals with the Kryptonian issue.
Most of the issue deals with Superman wrestling with the news that Earth has passed a resolution banning all Kryptonians - except him. Knowing that Zod is among the Kryptonians, knowing that Alura is behaving like a facist-in-the-making, he believes he also knows what he must do, but he needs to talk it over with Lois and Martha Kent. Superman desperately wants to help his people, but is torn and filled with sorrow at the way he feels he must do so. Nevertheless, he makes the difficult decision, and the stage is set for New Krypton.
It was a great issue, story-wise. I didn't feel the artwork really stood up to this story, however - it was very ... plain. I mean, I am not a fan of super-busy, overworked pencils, but I do like some details. I do have to admit the facial expressions were very good, it's just that there wasn't really much else there, most of the time. The art on the backup feature was very good, however, more detailed, and just felt a little more complete.
New Krypton looks like it will provide nearly as much fun as first time we saw a World Without Superman - that was way back during the Death of Superman. The Reign of the Supermen was the most fun I'd had reading comics in years, and I can only hope to say the same of the New Krypton storyline once it's done! Let's hope so...